AjnaVidya XR labs

First Step Towards Transforming Education: XR Learning

Design XR tours of Mars, dissect virtual frogs and train surgeons – all with an AI-powered XR ecosystem – AjnaVidya!

Education's Burning Issues
& Challenges

Static content fails to ignite curiosity which limits engagement.

Insufficient lab equipment, field trip opportunities, and hands-on experiences.

Geographic isolation limits access to full-fledged education.

One-size-fits-all model fails to cater diverse learning styles and interests.

Budgetary restrictions hinder access to practical learning.

Mismatch between skills taught and skills required in the industry.

#AWE Innovation
2023 Honoree Award

AjnaVidya Platform

Beyond the Four Walls

Experiential learning to transform your classroom with

Immersive lectures and interactive lessons to ignite curiosity

Equal and open access for everyone to explore and thrive

Virtual field trips beyond geographical boundaries

Future-proof skills to get trained for the jobs of tomorrow, today

Hands-on training to cater to individual interests and pace of learning

Immersive lectures and interactive lessons to ignite curiosity

Equal and open access for everyone to explore and thrive

Virtual field trips beyond geographical boundaries

Future-proof skills to get trained for the jobs of tomorrow, today

Hands-on training to cater to individual interests and pace of learning

Immersive lectures and interactive lessons to ignite curiosity

Equal and open access for everyone to explore and thrive

Virtual field trips beyond geographical boundaries

Future-proof skills to get trained for the jobs of tomorrow, today

Hands-on training to cater to individual interests and pace of learning

Learn by Doing, Everything, Anywhere.

With AjnaVidya Platform

#CES Innovation 2023 Honoree Award

Learn Beyond Dimensions In A 3D World

The best-in-class AjnaXR Pro, powered by the Qualcomm XR 2 + Gen 1 chip, brings ultimate comfort to immersive experiences. Enjoy the XR world in 5K resolution with full colour passthrough and low latency.

How Will AjnaVidya
Revolutionise Education?

Implementation of EduXR Labs at various education institutes & Case studies have shown drastic impact on students

Study Retention

Students remember more as a result of interactive and immersive learning.


Student get access of cutting edge equipment's, experiments and tools.

Curiosity &

Is a result of learning in ARVR that can set students up for success in life.


Student get access of cutting edge equipment's, experiments and tools.


Is a result of learning in ARVR that can set students up for success in life.

Makes Learning

As a result of learning the same curriculum in gamified way.

Transforming Lives With Future-Ready Skills

XR Labs are training 64,000+ students in 150+ Universities across 6+ states every year.


150 locations

18,000 students/year

Tamil Nadu

71 locations

8,520 students/year


60 locations

7,200 students/year

Uttar Pradesh

150 locations

18,000 students/year


36 locations

4,260 students/year


61 locations

7,320 students/year

Strategic Implementations


150 locations

18,000 students/year

Tamil Nadu

71 locations

8,520 students/year


60 locations

7,200 students/year

Uttar Pradesh

150 locations

18,000 students/year


36 locations

4,260 students/year


61 locations

7,320 students/year


Ready To Transform?

Learn skills in an immersive ecosystem to tackle real-world challenges. AjnaVidya, it's not about reading a chapter, it’s about experiencing the subject!